Tiers of the Cake

A tasty slice of inspiration...

Hello foodies,

A huge warm welcome to Red Velvet Baking, the blog! I have been baking since I can remember and I have always wanted to share my experiences and tasty flair beyond the walls of my own home. In summer 2011 I launched this little blog. I blog as a celebration of my achievements and dedication to my culinary passion, alongside an overflow of my enthusiasm, with a few added delicious recipe ideas. Pictures and tips galore, sure enough to sink your teeth right into and to get your mouth watering. Delicious beautiful baking can put a smile on anyones face.

Summer 2013 saw me train for a month at Leiths, gaining a distinction in practical cookery and last summer I ran a culinary arts course in the USA, specialising in baking.

I am now back in the UK, writing for my blog from sunny Yorkshire. 2015 is going to be a big year for Red Velvet Baking, so keep posted!

Keep calm, enjoy and most importantly BAKE!



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Website - Undergoing a magical makeover!

Find the missing sprinkle...

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Halloween & Ghastly October Antics...

Afternoon lovelies,

I thought I would just run through a few big bits that have whizzed past these last few months. Since Leiths, I have been Networking like crazy and due to a few changes in my job roles (post to come) and, as I may have mentioned, leaving fashion retail, things are looking a lot more hopeful and involving a lot more food!

Below are a few cupcakes I took to one of my favourite networks, BforB, which is a referral marketing network. Networking is the way forward, especially for SME's and growing businesses and the local community are always your allies. So take a peek below...

BforB Cupcakes, networking at its finest - especially when it involves cake!

Seen as my blog promised a touch on my Halloween antics, I also did some networking Halloween themed cupcakes, which were also a sell out. Only simple little designs, but with fantastic feedback, it really is all in the taste for me. Don't worry, that does not mean I am packing up my fantastic fondant fancies, there is a lot more to come in that department! Check out my harrowing halloween cupcakes...

AND...it is not really fair if I don't give my house mates a little chocolate trick or should I say treat!

We all went out for Halloween and it would be rude of me not to show you a few little pictures. Below is my boyfriend and I. Although, George looks a tad like a Ninja turtle, he is meant to be HULK and I, clearly, am Storm! Such a funny night and everyone else looked amazing too! Did you go out? What did you go as? We had a pumpkin too, but were left with loads to play with - pity I have not had the time. Did you make any fancy pumpkin edible treats or maybe a winter warming soup? Get in touch - remember sharing is caring!

 I will love you and leave you now foodies.

Keep calm and get spooky,


RVB xox

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Taking a Leaf out of Leiths...

Evening foodie fans and friends alike,

It has been a while, as usual my life takes hold, but I have now found the 'schedule' button and it is soon to be my new best friend, I am sure!

Since I last blogged, a lot has happened and my favourite time of year is upon is. In September, I graduated from Leiths School of Food and Wine, with 100% in my practical. I was pretty pleased, but it is safe to say I miss getting up and spending my mornings in the kitchen - my life is too busy for that now. The course was absolutely amazing and if you ever so desire to learn to cook, professionally, or fancy a career change or simply just enjoy food - DO IT! There are plenty of things that people regret and I can assure you that this will not be one of them.

 Roast Chicken Dinner - simple and delicious.
 Soft topped scones, ready for cream tea!

 My Nan's favourite, it has to be Lemon Syrup Cake...

Since I have been back, I have spent a lot more time in the kitchen and still wish to spend more! I need a 36 hour day, to fit the rest of my life in. On the other hand, with the Winter winds drawing in, I have spent 10 mins, whilst working at home, preparing soups to simmer, for healthy and hearty lunches. If you haven't tried it you must! Below is my Courgette and Parmesan soup, which is a personal favourite, but it works equally with a strong blue cheese. A few other favourites are carrot, red pepper and parsnip and curried parsnip soup. A few herbs, 1 litre of stock and you're set to go! I hope this inspires you to get your pans out.
 Courgettes simmering.

All blended and ready for my tummy.

Off the back of the Leiths course, orders have been flying in and I am thoroughly enjoying offering my time to cook for people - so much so that I am hoping to launch a bespoke catering service, alongside my cakes and baked products. I have a trial run, of course for my Mum, just before Christmas, so expect pictures as the menu is going to be delicious!

I promise to schedule a few more blogs for your interest. I am applying for Graduate jobs, as the daunting end is near and my University years a nearly over. 

Don't forget to keep posted and send me your delicious soup pictures!

Keep calm and COOK!

Love, as always, 

Jessica, RVB xox