Tiers of the Cake

A tasty slice of inspiration...

Hello foodies,

A huge warm welcome to Red Velvet Baking, the blog! I have been baking since I can remember and I have always wanted to share my experiences and tasty flair beyond the walls of my own home. In summer 2011 I launched this little blog. I blog as a celebration of my achievements and dedication to my culinary passion, alongside an overflow of my enthusiasm, with a few added delicious recipe ideas. Pictures and tips galore, sure enough to sink your teeth right into and to get your mouth watering. Delicious beautiful baking can put a smile on anyones face.

Summer 2013 saw me train for a month at Leiths, gaining a distinction in practical cookery and last summer I ran a culinary arts course in the USA, specialising in baking.

I am now back in the UK, writing for my blog from sunny Yorkshire. 2015 is going to be a big year for Red Velvet Baking, so keep posted!

Keep calm, enjoy and most importantly BAKE!



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Website - Undergoing a magical makeover!

Find the missing sprinkle...

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Halloween & Ghastly October Antics...

Afternoon lovelies,

I thought I would just run through a few big bits that have whizzed past these last few months. Since Leiths, I have been Networking like crazy and due to a few changes in my job roles (post to come) and, as I may have mentioned, leaving fashion retail, things are looking a lot more hopeful and involving a lot more food!

Below are a few cupcakes I took to one of my favourite networks, BforB, which is a referral marketing network. Networking is the way forward, especially for SME's and growing businesses and the local community are always your allies. So take a peek below...

BforB Cupcakes, networking at its finest - especially when it involves cake!

Seen as my blog promised a touch on my Halloween antics, I also did some networking Halloween themed cupcakes, which were also a sell out. Only simple little designs, but with fantastic feedback, it really is all in the taste for me. Don't worry, that does not mean I am packing up my fantastic fondant fancies, there is a lot more to come in that department! Check out my harrowing halloween cupcakes...

AND...it is not really fair if I don't give my house mates a little chocolate trick or should I say treat!

We all went out for Halloween and it would be rude of me not to show you a few little pictures. Below is my boyfriend and I. Although, George looks a tad like a Ninja turtle, he is meant to be HULK and I, clearly, am Storm! Such a funny night and everyone else looked amazing too! Did you go out? What did you go as? We had a pumpkin too, but were left with loads to play with - pity I have not had the time. Did you make any fancy pumpkin edible treats or maybe a winter warming soup? Get in touch - remember sharing is caring!

 I will love you and leave you now foodies.

Keep calm and get spooky,


RVB xox

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