Tiers of the Cake

A tasty slice of inspiration...

Hello foodies,

A huge warm welcome to Red Velvet Baking, the blog! I have been baking since I can remember and I have always wanted to share my experiences and tasty flair beyond the walls of my own home. In summer 2011 I launched this little blog. I blog as a celebration of my achievements and dedication to my culinary passion, alongside an overflow of my enthusiasm, with a few added delicious recipe ideas. Pictures and tips galore, sure enough to sink your teeth right into and to get your mouth watering. Delicious beautiful baking can put a smile on anyones face.

Summer 2013 saw me train for a month at Leiths, gaining a distinction in practical cookery and last summer I ran a culinary arts course in the USA, specialising in baking.

I am now back in the UK, writing for my blog from sunny Yorkshire. 2015 is going to be a big year for Red Velvet Baking, so keep posted!

Keep calm, enjoy and most importantly BAKE!



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Website - Undergoing a magical makeover!

Find the missing sprinkle...

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Mini Meringue Kisses...

Morning foodies,

Last weekend I also took my hand to trialling some mini swiss meringue kisses and oh wow aren't they cute! Very simple with only 2-3 ingredients, the only difficulty is not eating them all once out of the oven!

I made a couple of little raspberry swirls, for the "love" factor this week and some chocolate ones, clearly because I am a chocoholic! Paired with fresh fruit or lightly whipped Chantilly cream, these are sure to not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but leave you desperate for more!

Why not give them a go? Simply get whisking...

Keep calm and whisk up some magical, mini meringues...

Love Jess xox

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1 comment:

  1. Now, these ones I did make! LOL.Although I think I whisked a little too much. Must try them again.
    Sam x
