Tiers of the Cake

A tasty slice of inspiration...

Hello foodies,

A huge warm welcome to Red Velvet Baking, the blog! I have been baking since I can remember and I have always wanted to share my experiences and tasty flair beyond the walls of my own home. In summer 2011 I launched this little blog. I blog as a celebration of my achievements and dedication to my culinary passion, alongside an overflow of my enthusiasm, with a few added delicious recipe ideas. Pictures and tips galore, sure enough to sink your teeth right into and to get your mouth watering. Delicious beautiful baking can put a smile on anyones face.

Summer 2013 saw me train for a month at Leiths, gaining a distinction in practical cookery and last summer I ran a culinary arts course in the USA, specialising in baking.

I am now back in the UK, writing for my blog from sunny Yorkshire. 2015 is going to be a big year for Red Velvet Baking, so keep posted!

Keep calm, enjoy and most importantly BAKE!



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Website - Undergoing a magical makeover!

Find the missing sprinkle...

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Sunday Supper Slimline Souffles...

Well, as always in January, we set ourselves up for changes and challenges in the New Year. A regular favourite amongst my family and friends, is losing weight. But we really do love food!

Last year I spent a lot of time reviewing recipes and suggestions for low calorie, but satisfying, puddings. I think this really is a winner :). Add it to your diet plan and see the results of weight loss and foodie heaven, combined.

Chocolate Orange Souffles

sunflower oil for greasing
50g golden caster sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
juice of half a lemon
3 medium egg whites
rind of 1 orange, grated

dark chocolate shavings
creme freche
cream/ice cream (if you're feeling naughty)

Magical Method

1. Set the oven to 190C (170C for fan assisted ovens) and grease 4 100ml ramekin dishes.

2. Gently combine the caster sugar, cocoa, lemon juice and orange rind, and set aside.

3. In a grease free bowl, whisk the egg whites, using an electric whisk, until forming soft peaks.

4. Carefully whisk in the cocoa mixture, until thoroughly combined. Divide between the four ramekins.

5. Place the ramekins on a baking tray in the centre of the oven, for 12 minutes, until risen.

6. Once baked, remove and serve immediately with your choice of creme freche, cream or ice cream and decorate with chocolate shavings.
Why not try using mint, instead of orange rind. Or possibly serving the souffles with a white chocolate infused cream for a more decadent dish.

At only around 80 calories a pop, why not treat yourself this evening. Simple, easy but ridiculously delicious.

Keep calm and dig in, kiddies.


Red Velvet xo

1 comment:

  1. Whoop! May go buy the ingredients tomorrow to make some:)
